Friday, February 12, 2010

True/False The largest drug problem in the U.S., in terms of number of people affected, is marijuana?

When You Answer the True/False Question tell me why you chose your answer %26amp; list your choices.

Thank You.True/False The largest drug problem in the U.S., in terms of number of people affected, is marijuana?
false...many more people are addicted to tobaccoTrue/False The largest drug problem in the U.S., in terms of number of people affected, is marijuana?
False the largest drug problem is the U.S. is Meth...
marijuana is NOT physically addictive. you can walk away from it when you smoked it all.

Alchohol and tobbaco IS physically addictive.

and contrary to the Gov't belief: Marijuana is NOT the gateway drug. BEER is the gateway drug.

95% of all children drink beer before going on to more drugs. Source? the American Medical Society (AMA)
False, I believe it is a drug that is legal and is dispened by our physcians at the drop of a hat, good old VALIUM

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