Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Democrats win mid-terms, Nostradamus predictions come true again?

Nostradamus predictions come true? Today democrats won the mid-term elections, and Nancy Polocy is going to be the US official speaker. I was wandering who would be ';the second lady';. ';It was said that two ladies-allies will bring peace...'; and that ';... people will compare the words of these women...';. I wish this happens, because it's obvious that Pelosi is going to keep standing against the war in Iraq.

By the end of 2006 there're still some things to happen that I'm expecting. Especially the words about the ';... old man that will stumble, then will be recognised, but will never confess'; in smth. What do you think about all these coincidences?Democrats win mid-terms, Nostradamus predictions come true again?
The Democrats are destined to win because of the floppy Republicans in recent time such as the misadventure in Iraq.Democrats win mid-terms, Nostradamus predictions come true again?
I think this is a new beginning
It's actually good the democrats won because they are against the war in iraq..and other things so yeah this is really good....maybe a democratic president soon..because bush is really looking stupid...
But will the Americans admit they were wrong? Besides, WHEN was Nostrildamus actually ';right';?

I'm sure if Nostradamus mentioned Nancy Pelosi it was in connection with a disaster. She is a disaster waiting to happen.

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