They changed it after the ';scientists'; were caught destroying decades of research because it didn't support their theory of global warming.Is it common is true science to radically change warming to climate change case in point?
Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. It can be a change in the average weather or a change in the distribution of weather events around an average (for example, greater or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole Earth.
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. Global surface temperature increased 0.74 卤 0.18 掳C (1.33 卤 0.32 掳F) between the start and the end of the 20th century.[1][A]Is it common is true science to radically change warming to climate change case in point?
words are just that words, they mean what they are defined to mean
It makes more sense to say the climate is changing because the climate is average weather on the surface
the globe is the entire earth including the hot center. heat moves from high to low temperature
(space is cold) over the long history of the earth the earth is cooling, always
there is a balance between sun energy in and heat radiation out. That can change dramatically depending on the characteristics of the atmosphere. CO2, Carbon dioxide is a gas that has a definite ';greenhouse effect';. there are others
Todays paper reported the current decade 2000 to 2009 is one of the 5 warmest on record.
(a daily cold storm does not change that)
The answer to your direct question is YES, terms change all the time as more information is gained and clarified
Your implied comment that science is some how fake, is a political opinion.
You skipped the part about Global Cooling a couple decades back. I lived through that. It was terrible, icebergs in New York harbor, Texas froze over, the Statue of Liberty dripping with icicles until you couldn't see her face!
Yeah,...right. Sorry, this isn't a scientist issue. It's a political one.
Once the scientists come to a consensus, THEN I'll listen. But when most of one party is on one side and most of the other party is on the other side, and the scientists haven't reached a consensus?
It's political nonsense and power brokering until then.
actually yes.
Scientist are always re-examining their data and how they phrase things and changing things around if they feel its necessary.
Pluto is no longer a planet.
some of you guys really know nothing about science. Just look up the Scientific Method.
Einstein's theory of relativity drastically changed Newton's theory of gravity. We are not JUST affected by the pull of our planets gravity by the interaction of the gravitational pulls of all the planets in our solar system.
No and they shouldn't have done it, but they did to appease embarassingly stupid people from saying things like ';duh... warming? But it was cold last week, dur...';. But then, its not common for people to ignore basic science they learned in high school or simple ';look out the damn window'; facts for purely political reasons.
When will it dawn on the GOP that 1) Yes, the ice cap is melting and that is not a political statement, 2) we are running out of oil which we 3) buy from arabs who hate us.
If that's hunky dory with Republicans then they have gone from ';blithering idiot'; to ';dangerously stupid';.
No, it certainly is not. But it is oh, sooooo politically correct!
And totally ridiculous when you stop and think about it; tell me when is the climate ever NOT changing?
Sad nothing will help those HELL bent on destroying the Earth.
Is it common is true English to radically change rules talk?
no, that would not be true science
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