Monday, February 8, 2010

Physiologically what is gspot actually (true medical terms)?

v always keep hearing about terms like gspot or clitoris (i hope they r the same) so what actually r they and y they r related to joy pleasure and orgasm.Physiologically what is gspot actually (true medical terms)?
The G-spot is a small patch of spongy tissue located high on the front wall of the vagina, behind the pubic bone. It is named for Ernst Gr盲fenberg, the gynecologist who first reported it's possible involvement in female orgasm. The G-spot is the site of Skene's gland, the female analog of the prostate gland and the site where the urethra is closest to (and may be stimulated through) the vaginal wall.

The clitoris is a small bulb of flesh located above the vaginal opening, between the labia. During fetal development, the clitoris is formed from the same tissue that forms the penis in males. The nervous system of the clitoris is very similar to that of the penis, making it very sensitive to stimulation.Physiologically what is gspot actually (true medical terms)?
G-spot is in the Vagina, clitoris is above the urethra.
G spot is where sensory nerves are maximum in number.
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