Monday, February 8, 2010

Is It True That Long Term Friendships Can Lead To A Love Relationship/Marriage?

I have been told that if you have a long term friendship with the right girl who is good friends with you it can possilbly lead to a great love relationship. And possibly even marriage. Can that be true?? Please answer with answers- not comments. Please answer intelligently. Because I have gotten mean comments and alot of senseless answers.

Thank You Eveyone!

Longnailslover.Is It True That Long Term Friendships Can Lead To A Love Relationship/Marriage?
Well think about grows over the course of time. Think of having a friend who you adore and care for as a human being, and maybe have a slight attraction both have great experiences together, make each other laugh, know all about each other's lives and families, and interests, etc etc...but most importantly really do care for each other.

Then you take the other situation of meeting someone new, who is also very interesting, but maybe you know little to nothing about, and you immediately start to date the stranger rather than your old friend? I mean..........i would think that old friends are the best candidates for long term relationships because you've already established a long term friendship with this person....why not let it evolve into more? I think its the most ideal situation.Is It True That Long Term Friendships Can Lead To A Love Relationship/Marriage?
I think that is true. It is better to marry your best friend as you already have a great relationship with each other. obviously a lot in common and you like each other because you've been good friends for ages. However, what are the chances that you and your good friend wont meet someone else in the meantime and both be left single? Spending so much time with your best friend will surely strengthen your relationship and will generate the perfect circumstances for that 'like' to turn into 'love'.
It has just as much of a chance of leading to something more as any other relationship or friendship does. Why wouldn't it?

I don't understand why you need to ask this? It's not like there is some mental block that people have that keep them from wanting love from their long time companions.

I would say that it is unlikely that if you have been friends with someone for an extended period of time without either party developing a romantic interest, that in that case, a romantic relationship is unlikely.

There is a reason that you are just friends with the people that you are just friends with. If anything more were likely, it would occur and you would not just remain friends.

It could happen, but it could not happen. It isn't impossible, nor is it likely.

How old are you, may I ask?

I would think that you are very young as you are naive.
This culture wants to know the body before they get to know the spirit and soul of a person.

The only way to a real love relationship or a fruitful marriage is to be good friends first.

As friends there must be sincere truth between you, no pretending, no hiding and no games.To genuinely care for and show concern for another person unconditionally is the foundation for real love/marriage.
Yes it is true. However you need to be sure that this situation naturally develops. Forcing a good friendship into a love relationship can only lead to disaster. Keep in mind that a valued friendship is a wonderful thing to cherish and can last a lifetime so if it never moves to a romantic level be happy that you have a great friend.
I think ideally a marriage should start with a friendship. Friends tend to be more honest %26amp; open with one another. They get to know the true person and then it evolves. If it is just start dating, you put on an act for awhile. Sorry if people have been rude or mean.
LOL if that was true, all my long term friendships have all lead to them MARRYING ME.
yeah ONLY when theres a bit a least physical attraction. you cannot have a relationship with someone who you don't see attractive in your eyes.
well duh.

but make sure to go out with that friend only when u think both of u r ready for marriage.

if u go out with her then break up, the friendship is kinda broken and wasted.
its true, because you guys are comfortable with each other and thats essential for a great relationship
ur so effin funny!!

oops did i just make an irrelevant comment? duh =P

ok answer with answer(s) and in an intelligent manner - yes it is true to an extent and only for some couples.
Anything is possible, you never know what is going to happen.
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