Monday, February 8, 2010

Is it true George Bush tried to change the law about how many terms a president could serve?

No. It's not. A president is allowed only two terms. No more no less. It's just a rumor.Is it true George Bush tried to change the law about how many terms a president could serve?
NOIs it true George Bush tried to change the law about how many terms a president could serve?

Try the Jim Jones Kool-aid it is better than the brand you are now drinking
Obviously he'd love that. This is the President who is trying to legalize torture and has already seriously undermined the Constitution and removed freedoms and rights that your ancestors fought and died to protect.
No only two 4 year terms. Even if the rumor were true. We ond CONGRESS would never allow it...HE HAS PISSED OFF ALOT OF THE AFRICAN AMERCAN CONGRESSIONAL OFFICIALS.
actually that was a deal trying to be struck for Clinton, the Dem's were trying to get the constitutional amendment lifting presidential term limits, in exchange for a waiver on natural born citizenship clause (see Arnold for president)
This issue has been visited. Go to
Nothing is ever written in stone. All laws, almost always have a new law that over rides that original law.
i believe that was clinton.
no, I have not heard it, but it would be merely another of many lies about him
No.Thats not true.
yes i believe he did try..not 100% sure on that..but i think i read it somewhere.
NO! Thank God! Another term with him and I would shoot myself.
Why would he want that job any longer than he had to stay? It's another liberal lie. Do you think that CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, or any other major news organization would ignore such a thing and not report it? Maybe it's all a conspiracy and they're all in on it.
Its called the 22nd Amendment, and Congress can and has ammended it.
I don't think he tried to change the law, but if he wants to stay in office longer (I can't imagine why he would), all he has to do is declare martial law. And in a national emergency, he can.
That is not true, Wacko-Jacko ...

But if Goaliemom would follow through with her promise, I would VOTE YES !!

Ms. Inquisitive, why all the anger and YELLING, kiddo ??
Not the brighest crayon in the drawer, are you? It takes a constitutional amendment to change the two term limit. Those things take many years. A majority of the states have to approve them and so does congress. Learn some civics before you betray all of your ignorance.
I thought I did read something about this once. Don't be a bit surprised if he gets away with it.

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